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We speak to Nicola Wiltshire from our Education Navigation team to discuss the unique ways neurodivergent individuals navigate education, work, and daily life.
We speak to Talk Therapy Operations Coordinator Perinne Harding about her own autism and ADHD diagnoses, and the advice she'd offer to those looking to foster more inclusive workplaces.
We spoke to ADHD practitioner Ash Norton-Peters about her journey into ADHD care and the challenges she faced during her own diagnostic process.
You will need to complete your ADHD pre-assessment forms before we can add you to our wait list. Find out how to access and complete them here.
You will need to complete your child's ADHD pre-assessment forms before we can add them to our wait list. Find out how to access and complete them here.
You will need to complete your autism pre-assessment forms before we can add you to our wait list. Find out how to access and complete them here.
You will need to complete your child's autism pre-assessment forms before we can add them to our wait list. Find out how to access and complete them here.
It can be difficult ensuring that your child's school is accommodating their neurodivergence. In this article, we discuss how you can best advocate for them.
Do you feel as though your child may require additional support at school? In this article, we cover some of the early signs to look out for.
A one-page profile is an important form that we need to receive before we can add your child to our Education Navigation pathway.
Shared care is an important aspect of our ADHD service, and requires pre-agreed co-ordination and approval for your GP or local service.
At ProblemShared, our talk therapists specialise in a range of cutting-edge therapeutic approaches, which we document in this article.
Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty that can affect a person's ability to understand numbers, which can impact finances and time management.
Pursuing a diagnosis for ADHD can be a validating experience, but the thought of navigating the assessment process might feel overwhelming. In this article, we explain the ProblemShared ADHD assessment process in detail, and provide you with some tips for getting prepared.
Our care doesn't stop with a diagnosis. We go above and beyond to ensure our clients feel held beyond the assessment process and into the future.
If you think that you may be autistic, seeking a diagnosis and support can be a life-changing experience. In this article, we explain the assessment process in detail to help you feel prepared.
The journey to getting an autism or ADHD assessment can be long and stressful. But, as an NHS Right to Choose provider, ProblemShared makes the whole process accessible and affirming.
University life is exhilarating, but it can also be mentally demanding. This article focuses on the mental health challenges students might encounter during this time, and explains how talk therapy can be a valuable resource to improve your experience.
Choosing the right healthcare provider to oversee your neurodevelopmental assessment is a big decision. This article explains what Right to Choose is, and breaks down the ProblemShared service in detail so you can make an informed choice.
An informant plays a key role in your autism assessment, helping your assessor to understand who you are and how your autism impacts your life.
The trauma and loss of the last year and a half have been numbing in their collective scale but remain a deeply personal and isolating experience. We take a look at the types of grief that have emerged from this pandemic.
Moving beyond Freedom Day on July 19 will be a step forwards but for those grieving, the pandemic has created its own particular set of challenges. We take a look at opportunities to heal in day-to-day settings at home, within a therapy setting and what can be done at the community level as a society.
The world for autistic children and teenagers can often feel like a very overwhelming place; it is therefore little surprise that autistic children experience high levels of anxiety which can have a disabling impact throughout their lives.
Receiving a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism can be an incredibly validating and empowering experience, but it’s normal for clients and their families to also feel a bit overwhelmed. This is why we offer post-diagnostic care, to help you navigate life beyond assessment.
Executive functions are a set of cognitive processes or thinking skills that are necessary to plan and organise our actions, in order to achieve our goals.
Job interviews can be challenging for neurodivergent minds, given their emphasis on social skills and body language. Here's how to create a more accommodating interview environment.
Being an informant for an autism assessment is an important responsibility. In this article, we cover what you can expect and how to be the best informant possible.
Being an informant for an ADHD assessment is an important responsibility. In this article, we'll cover what an informant is and what you can expect.
When preparing for an ADHD assessment, it’s important for you to have a reliable informant by your side.
This article will guide you through the process of asking your GP to refer you to our service.