We are the only healthcare provider to provide this unique ongoing care. It includes psychoeducation workshops led by our clinical team, where you can learn more about your diagnosis, and where appropriate, the prescribing and titration of ADHD medication.
This is all in line with our standards of excellence. By providing expert guidance, educational resources, and emotional support, we ensure that our clients can build on their strengths and access tailored recommendations about how they can make positive changes to their lives.
Post-diagnostic support with ProblemShared
One of the primary goals of our ongoing support at ProblemShared is to equip individuals and their families with knowledge about how neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD and autism can affect their experience of the world around them.
Psychoeducation workshops
Our psychoeducation workshops are facilitated by our expert post-diagnostic intervention (PDI) practitioners. They are virtual group sessions and combine the offering of information with opportunities to learn from and support each other. While participation is encouraged, it's your choice as to how much or little you would like to contribute. Our practitioners provide a safe, structured environment to allow opportunities for discussion, reflection and collaboration.
Over 4 sessions, we aim to help you understand your diagnosis and how it affects you, as well as how you can overcome any challenges you might face and build on your strengths. You will have the opportunity to listen to the lived experiences of others with the same diagnosis and share your own thoughts and feelings about neurodiversity.
ADHD medication: prescribing and titration
If you receive an ADHD diagnosis, our specialist ADHD nurse practitioners can prescribe medication where appropriate, which can then be dispensed by your local pharmacy. Note that this will only be possible if your GP has pre-agreed to accept shared care at the point of your referral (there is a section on shared care later in this article). We will also work with you to alter the dosage of your medications based on how you respond to the medication – a process known as titration.
Shared care
Once your titration period is stable, we will move you into a shared care arrangement with your NHS GP. They will take on the role of prescribing and monitoring your medications, and provide ongoing support for any challenges you might face as a result of your ADHD.
After receiving a diagnosis, we offer guidance about working directly with your GP to ensure they continue to prescribe your medication. If you have been diagnosed by one of our clinicians, they can begin to prescribe medication, support you through frequent reviews, and liaise with your primary care team to ensure joined up expert care.
Need more information?
If you have any questions about Right to Choose, our post-diagnostic care, the referral or assessment processes in general, you can head to the support resources section of our homepage, or explore our FAQs.