What is the SNAP-IV form?
The SNAP-IV form is an ADHD report scale for children. It’s comprised of 26 statements, each of which is rated on a 4-point scale. It screens for signs of inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive, and oppositional or defiant behaviours, and classifies them based on severity.
You need to give 2 copies of the SNAP-IV self-report form to your GP in order for them to refer your child to our service.
Who should complete each copy of the SNAP-IV form?
- The first copy of the SNAP-IV form needs to be completed by the parent/guardian of the child or young person who is seeking an assessment.
- The second copy of the SNAP-IV form needs to be completed by the teacher of the child or young person who is seeking an assessment.
Where can the SNAP-IV form be accessed?
- The blank SNAP-IV form can be downloaded from the self-report forms section of our Right to Choose homepage.
- You will need to download 2 copies of it.
- You should then give both completed SNAP-IV forms to your GP when you ask for your referral to our service.
Why does the SNAP-IV form matter?
The SNAP-IV form is an important screening tool used to identify children who may benefit from an ADHD assessment. By gathering information from both parents or caregivers and teachers, the SNAP-IV form allows clinicians to learn more about the child’s behaviours, experiences, and challenges across a range of settings, including school, home, and social environments.
How do you fill out the SNAP-IV form?
You can choose to either fill out the SNAP-IV form digitally or manually on behalf of your child. If you wish to fill it out digitally, you must have access to Adobe Acrobat.
When filling out the questionnaire, take some time to read each of the 12 statements carefully. Tick the box that most accurately represents how you feel about each statement, in reference to the child that you are completing it for. When you have completed the form, click the “Finish and save” button to save the file.
How to approach your child’s teacher or school and ask them to complete the SNAP-IV form
Since ADHD characteristics often impact performance and behaviour in the classroom, teachers and teaching staff are often the first to recognise these signs. If this is the case, your child’s teacher will already be aware of the situation, and will hopefully oblige to support you throughout the ADHD assessment process.
Whether they are currently aware of the situation or not, the insights your child’s teacher can provide about their experiences and behaviour in the classroom are invaluable. Therefore, it is crucial to get them involved in the ADHD screening process at an early stage.
Here are a few helpful tips when asking your child’s teacher or school to complete the SNAP-IV form:
- Schedule a meeting. Schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher and the school’s SEN lead so you have plenty of time to discuss the screening process with them. The school staff will likely have experience filling out the SNAP-IV form, so they may be able to guide you through the process.
- Plan for the meeting. Before meeting with your child’s teacher, ensure you fully understand the SNAP-IV form and make a note of any concerns or queries you have.
- Listen actively and make notes. Remember that you and your child’s teacher want the same thing for your child - to be happy and successful at school. Jot down any key points from the discussion to draw on later.
- Request their support. Explain how important it is for them to complete the SNAP-IV form based on their observations in the classroom. Offer to provide them with any additional information or insights that might be helpful.
- Ensure they have access to the SNAP-IV form. Make sure that they know how to access the form. You may wish to provide them with a paper copy in advance so they can review the questions and familiarise themselves with the form before completing it.
Remember that your child’s teacher is there to support their academic and emotional growth. With that in mind, many teachers will be happy to help you through the ADHD assessment process.