ProblemShared is an online mind health platform. We are a practitioner-led, CQC-regulated community of experts, working together with individuals and organisations such as NHS trusts and integrated care boards, universities, insurers, and private medical healthcare providers.
We provide access to the highest-quality mental healthcare services and neurodevelopmental assessments for autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and specific learning difficulties, as well as post-diagnostic care and support.
We provide personalised care to better equip people to take the next step in their mind health journey.
We offer diagnostic assessments for autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia and dyscalculia. Following a diagnosis, we also provide post-diagnostic care options.
Children and young people aged 7-17 can access our neurodevelopmental assessment services. We also offer post-diagnostic support such as our Education Navigation programme, and psychoeducation sessions for parents.
We partner with the NHS, insurance companies, private healthcare providers, and universities to deliver the highest quality neurodevelopmental assessments, talk therapy and post-diagnostic support.
Right to Choose (England)
We are proud to partner with NHS England to offer autism and ADHD assessments through Right to Choose. Watch our informative video below to guide you through the journey of getting your ADHD or autism assessment.
Get started with Right to Choose for you or your child.
Refer your patient to our service using our digital process.
Our team of expert assessors, clinicians, nurse prescribers and more are dedicated to providing you with exceptional mind health and post-diagnostic support. Many members of our team have led neurodevelopmental services in the NHS and are experienced in carrying out remote assessments, diagnosis, and post-diagnostic support.
We believe that support shouldn’t stop once you receive a neurodevelopmental diagnosis. ProblemShared can deliver post-diagnostic care to our clients who receive a positive diagnosis with us if these services are supported by their NHS service, university, or insurance provider.
If you choose to try medication after a positive ADHD diagnosis, you will have frequent reviews with a team of expert ADHD nurses who will look at your specific care and prescribing needs.
Everyone's treatment is bespoke, but typically our specialist nurses will review your medication monthly until you’re at the right dose of medication to manage your ADHD, with the fewest side effects.
Clients aged 7-19, as well as higher education students up to the age of 22, can access our Education Navigation service if they are not also in full-time employment.
The service aims to optimise the learning experience within your/your child’s educational setting, advocate for reasonable adjustments, and identify support options in your local area.
Our psychoeducation group sessions are a safe space where newly diagnosed clients can explore their diagnosis and what it means for them, in the company of experienced clinicians and others embarking on a similar journey.
At the moment, we don’t offer psychoeducation sessions for clients under the age of 18.
Talk therapy sessions are safe environments that allow you or your child to speak freely about your difficulties. Your qualified talk therapy practitioner can help you understand your feelings and actions, working with you to find ways of managing or resolving the things you’re finding challenging.
— Addiction
— Confidence and self-esteem
— Depression
— Bereavement
— Trauma
— Relationships
We provide a range of online talk therapy services, tailored to children and young people from all walks of life.
Browse, filter, and select the practitioner who best fits your needs, then easily book your appointment online in just a few steps for a time that suits you.
When it's time for your session, meet your practitioner virtually through our secure video platform from the comfort of your own home.
We partner with UK universities to extend student support services, offering flexible, fast-access talk therapy.
If your university is partnered with us, ask your student support team about a referral. Once referred, we’ll match you with a therapist and arrange your first session.
If you have been referred to us for a neurodevelopmental assessment via AXA Health and feel the need for additional mental health support during your assessment journey, you may be eligible to be referred to our talk therapy service.
We are proud to have supported hundreds of clients on their mind health journey.
We’re here to help you find the right support for you and your family.
ProblemShared was founded to evolve and advance the provision of mind healthcare. We are a community of experienced practitioners and passionate advocates for better access to the highest quality neurodevelopmental and mental health support. By combining the power of tech, data, and clinical excellence, we provide personalised care to better equip individuals and institutions in their mind health journey.
ProblemShared is an online mind health platform. We provide access to the highest quality care for individuals and institutions seeking mental healthcare services or neurodevelopmental assessments and support.
We offer online assessments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and specific learning differences such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. Our post-diagnostic care service includes psychoeducation groups, educational navigation, talk therapy, and the prescribing of ADHD medication where appropriate.
We are not able to offer treatment in severe or life-threatening situations. If you think you are at risk of harm or at risk of harming others, you should look at the resources available on our IN CASE OF EMERGENCY page, call 999 or go immediately to your local Accident and Emergency department.
We work in partnership with institutions such as the NHS, insurance companies and universities to deliver NICE-informed therapy, neurodevelopmental assessments and post-diagnostic care for adults, children and young people.
ProblemShared is a fully online mind healthcare provider, and does not offer any in-person appointments. If you believe an in-person service would suit you better, you should contact your GP and request a referral to an appropriate provider.
If any of the following statements apply to you, you or your child are not suitable for an online assessment at this time, and should speak to your GP about accessing face-to-face care that better meets your needs:
You/your child are below the age of 7 years old
You/your child are non-verbal and/or selectively mute
You/your child are unable to communicate at conversational level in English
You/your child have a diagnosis of global development delay or an intellectual disability (IQ below 70)
You/your child have a significant visual or hearing impairment which means that you/your child are unable to access online assessments
You/your child are currently psychotic or have recently experienced a psychotic episode (within 3 months)
You/your child are currently deemed to pose a risk to themselves or others and are not under care co-ordination with the local CMHT
You/your child are currently receiving treatment for an active eating disorder, or have been discharged within the last 6 months from a specialist eating disorder clinic
You/your child are currently receiving active medical treatment for drugs or alcohol addiction
You/your child have had a head injury or brain surgery or have a neurological condition which has left you with significant cognitive impairments
You/your child have previously been assessed by the NHS and are seeking a second opinion assessment
You/your child are currently serving a prison sentence, or are on temporary release
You/your child are undergoing a safeguarding investigation and cannot be seen until it has been concluded
You/your child are currently detained in a hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983, or under a community treatment order
You/your child currently serve in the armed forces
You/your child do not have access to a laptop or computer (please note that a tablet which is at least 10” in size and can be propped up to be used hands-free can also be used to access our service, but handheld devices such as mobile phones cannot)
You/your child do not have access to an internet connection in a private place
You/your child are not willing to conduct the assessment with your camera turned on for the duration of the assessment
No, ProblemShared is a private mind healthcare company. However, we are partnered with many NHS trusts, work with psychiatrists and paediatricians who currently hold or have held consultant posts with the NHS, and our founder and CEO is a practising NHS doctor.
Our team of clinicians come from many different professional backgrounds and include nurses, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, paediatricians, social workers, speech and language therapists, and specialist teachers.
They are all highly qualified, accredited by their relevant professional bodies, and follow the codes of conduct drawn from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines and for SpLD, the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC).
We are always in pursuit of inclusivity, and see language as a tool to demonstrate respect and understanding for a person’s lived experience. This is why we call ourselves a ‘mind health’ platform.
Neurodiversity is a word coined by sociologist Judy Singer. It refers to the natural diversity of human minds; the unique and varying ways in which human brains are wired, process information, and solve problems.
In this way, neurodiversity is something to celebrate. Mental health challenges may require a ‘solution’, but neurodivergence does not. While neurodivergent people may come to us seeking support with managing their neurodivergence, such as a diagnosis, medication, or counselling, the world needs to adapt to meet their needs – not the other way around.
The care we provide at ProblemShared involves both neurodevelopmental and mental health support. We recognise that these separate practices, when describing them together, require a completely new term.
To be eligible for our service you must have access to an internet connection in a private place.
You must also have access to a laptop or computer with a working webcam, and be willing to have your camera on for the duration of your assessment sessions.
Please note that a tablet which is at least 10” in size and can be propped up and used hands-free can also be used to access the service, but handheld devices such as mobile phones cannot. This is because our clinicians need to see enough of your face and torso throughout the assessment in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, a mobile phone screen does not facilitate this effectively. Furthermore, notifications pinging through on a mobile phone can be distracting and interrupt the assessment.
For assessments for specific learning differences (SpLD), computer screens must be a minimum of 15” (38 cm) measured diagonally (according to SASC guidance). Headphones should also be used to enable clear audio.
We do not record any of our online sessions. What you say in your session is confidential and remains between you and your clinician. However, if our clinician has any concerns about risk or safeguarding, they may have to discuss the matter with their clinical supervisor, clinical team, or safeguarding lead in order ensure safety. Please note that phone calls with our customer service team are recorded.
If you require accessibility support, please reach out to a member of our team explaining the nature of your requirements. We endeavour to make our service as inclusive as possible, and will do everything in our power to ensure you feel confident and comfortable throughout your journey.
Our clinicians need to see enough of your face and torso throughout the assessment in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, a smartphone screen does not facilitate this effectively. Furthermore, notifications pinging through on a mobile phone can be distracting and interrupt the assessment. Only a laptop, computer, or tablet which is at least 10” in size (for autism and ADHD assessments) or 15\" in size (for SpLD) and can be propped up to be used hands-free can be used to access our service.
If you do not have access to any of these devices and are seeking an assessment on behalf of your child, it may be possible to complete the assessment at your child’s school and borrow a school laptop. However, this would be reliant on you asking the school, and checking that you can log onto your ProblemShared client dashboard prior to the session, to help prevent any security issues with firewalls.
Articles, guides, and updates from us or our guest writers.