Right to Choose (England)

Our suitability criteria

ProblemShared carry out our assessments online. Therefore, as a responsible healthcare provider, we feel you/your child will be better off receiving face-to-face support if you/you child do not meet our suitability criteria.

Check your suitability for our service

Please read our suitability criteria carefully and click ‘Accept’ to
confirm that none of the statements apply to you/your child.

Clinical suitability

ProblemShared provides robust online assessments which are a convenient and accessible option for many people. However, an online environment is not always the best approach for everyone. If you meet any of the below criteria, we must assert that an online assessment is not suitable for your situation and recommend that you seek face-to-face support through an alternative healthcare provider instead.

  • You/your child are below the age of 7 years old. 
  • You/your child are non-verbal and/or selectively mute.
  • You/your child are unable to communicate at conversational level in English. For specific learning differences assessments, it is also a requirement to be able to communicate in written English.
  • You/your child have a significant intellectual impairment/ disability or severe development delay or an intellectual disability (IQ below 70). 
  • You/your child have a significant visual or hearing impairment which means you are unable to access online assessments for specific learning differences and autism. In certain cases, we are able to support clients for ADHD assessments and appointments. 
  • You/your child are currently psychotic, or have recently experienced a psychotic episode (within 3 months).
  • You/your child are currently deemed to pose a risk to yourself or others, have a plan or have acted to end your life in the past 3 months and/or are actively engaged in self-harming behaviour.
  • You/your child are currently awaiting an appointment or receiving treatment for an active eating disorder or have been discharged within the last 6 months from a specialist eating disorder clinic.
  • You/your child’s drug and/or alcohol use is having a significant impact on daily life or you/your child are currently receiving active treatment for substance addiction.
  • You/your child have had an acquired or traumatic head injury, brain surgery/neurosurgery or have a neurological condition which has impacted on your/your child’s cognitive function, which requires additional assessments that are not currently provided by ProblemShared.
  • You/your child have previously been assessed by the NHS for ADHD or autism and are seeking a second opinion assessment. When a private assessment has previously taken place, a second assessment review or full re-assessment can be offered.
  • You/your child are currently serving a prison sentence, are on probation or temporary release.
  • You/your child are undergoing a Safeguarding Investigation, have a child protection plan in place or are involved in an ongoing police or criminal investigation and cannot be seen until it has been concluded.
  • You/your child are currently detained in a hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983, or under a Community Treatment Order.
  • You/your child serve in the armed forces.
  • You/your child do not have access to a laptop or computer (please note that a laptop or desktop computer which is at least 15” in size is required for specific learning differences assessments). For autism and ADHD assessments, a tablet which is at least 10” and can be propped up to be used hands-free can also be used to access our service, but handheld devices such as mobile phones cannot.
  • You/your child do not have access to an internet connection in a private place.
  • You/your child are not willing to conduct the assessment with your camera turned on for the duration of the assessment.
  • You/your child are not willing to confirm your identification in an online video call.
  • You/your child are not willing to provide the contact details for your UK based NHS GP.

Do you declare that you have read our suitability criteria and that you/your child are suitable for our service?