
How we can help

You don’t need to have all the answers or be in a crisis to reach out for support. Our team of carefully selected experts is here to listen and help you navigate whatever challenges you’re facing.


ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) usually becomes apparent in childhood, but sometimes it goes unrecognised until much later. Problems with focus can seriously affect children and adults' lives when it interferes with day-to-day functioning. People with (ADHD) can benefit from therapy – there is a range of treatment available, from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to clinician-prescribed medications.


Being coerced and controlled, mistreated, neglected, hurt physically, sexually or emotionally, are all forms of abuse. It can be overt and visible, although often subtle and hidden. An experienced and empathic therapist can help people begin to understand what traps people in the cycle and how to break free.


Difficult to define, addiction broadly means a kind of dependence on something. Common addictions include alcohol, gambling, and drugs, but in rare cases people can also become addicted to hobbies like gaming and shopping. Addiction creates dysfunctional systems in families and relationships, as well as causing harm to the addicted person.


Anger is a vital emotion that is triggered when a person feels threatened and has an instinct to defend themselves. But overwhelming anger can destroy the foundations of life – relationships, career, home, family – and violent anger puts lives at risk. Therapy can help clients experience, accept, and manage anger and feelings like it.


It's normal to feel more alert, to notice the heart beating faster or breathing getting quicker, when faced with something new or challenging. A little bit of anxiety is fine – even helpful. However, when the feeling is overwhelming or causes avoidance, it becomes problematic. Anxiety is a common mental health problem in the UK.


Autism is a neurological difference that is often characterised by focused interests and strong sensitivity to sensations and environments. The term 'autism spectrum' underlines that the condition presents a wide range of symptoms and severity. Therapy can help autistic people feel heard and understood.


Everyone experiences different moods, but a person with bipolar disorder experiences extreme mood swings from manic feelings of elation, high energy, and hyperactivity to dark and low moods, lethargy, and depression.

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition characterised by obsessive thoughts about the body and perceived imperfections. Therapy can help support people with BDD and can also treat the condition itself.


Bullying causes harm and can destabilise one's sense of self. It impacts how relationships are formed in family, social, and work contexts.

Chronic or acute health conditions

Chronic or acute health conditions that affect a person’s physical wellbeing can also affect their mental wellbeing. Although the type of physical conditions from which a person can suffer will vary hugely, the impact felt by the person and those near to them, in terms of their mental health, can manifest as depression, fear, anxiety, and anger. Talk therapy can be a good place to start in supporting someone’s mental wellbeing during or after an illness.


Although it is normal to feel blue from time to time, some people feel sad most days. Depression stops people enjoying the things they like, and might also make them feel like they can't face work. For some people, depression feels impossible to live with. Depression is a common reason for people to seek therapy, and many people find that talking helps.

Disordered eating

Disordered relationships with food take many forms: whether eating too much or too little, food becomes a powerful preoccupation. Although much of the attention around disordered eating focuses on body standards, for many people disordered eating offers a means of control -albeit a very dangerous one.

Gender identity

For some people, the sex they were assigned at birth might feel wrong. Others may feel that their identity is fluid and that the binary description traditionally used to define gender does not tell the full story. Questioning gender may lead a person to transition, but it might also make more room for fluidity and self-acceptance. A therapist with a firm understanding of gender identity is well-placed to explore such issues.


Sleeping is vital to good mental health, so struggling to sleep can have a huge impact on a person’s happiness and enjoyment of life, as well as their ability to function. Some people with insomnia may develop depression or anxiety, and some people with depression or anxiety have trouble sleeping.


Healthy relationships with oneself and others are both important aspects of life that are a starting point for mental wellness. A sense of connection can also support people who are experiencing poor mental health. Connect with one of our therapists now for support.

Long Covid

Coping with the after-effects of Covid-19 can be gruelling. The cycle of recovery and relapse leaves people questioning when they will feel better and get back to normal. Worse, some people might feel depressed if they are not offered support or feel they’re not believed by friends, family, or doctors. Therapists can provide the extra support people need during recovery from long Covid.


Loss is a natural part of life but the pain and sadness after loss can feel overwhelming. 'Loss' might mean bereavement, but it might also mean the end of a marriage, children leaving home, or another 'ending'. Many therapists specialise in supporting people after loss of different kinds.


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a manifestation of anxiety, and is often marked by a cycle of compulsive or repetitive behaviours to help cope with intrusive or unwelcome thoughts. Therapists, particularly specialists in Exposure Response Prevention, can help people manage these symptoms.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (cPTSD) are severe anxiety disorders which can develop after a person has been involved in or witnessed a traumatic event or series of events. Our practitioners can help process trauma, and may recommend an eye movement treatment, EMDR, which has a good evidence basis for treating PTSD.

Personality disorders

The term "personality disorder" is a label used to describe people who have difficulties starting or maintaining relationships, often to the extent where they struggle to work, study, or enjoy a good quality of life. There are many techniques, from talk therapy to medication, that our psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists can use to help people with diagnosed personality disorders to better understand their condition, and thus live better lives.


A phobia is an uncontrollable and irrational fear of something. This can limit a person's day-to-day life but, with the right help, phobias can be faced, reduced, and often completely overcome. Living with a phobia is stressful and limiting, and stigma around phobias can leave people feeling ashamed or isolated. Living with someone with a phobia can be demanding, and family or partners might also benefit from support.

Physical health

Chronic or acute health conditions that affect a person’s physical wellbeing can also affect their mental wellbeing. Although the type of physical conditions from which a person can suffer will vary hugely, the impact felt by the person and those near to them, in terms of their mental health, can manifest as depression, fear, anxiety, and anger. Talk therapy can be a good place to start in supporting someone's mental wellbeing during or after an illness.


Humans are social creatures and are hard-wired from birth to attach to others for survival. But relationships can be complicated and difficult to manage at times, whether as a couple, a family, a friend, or a colleague.


Schizophrenia is a mental health diagnosis characterised by "psychoses" such as visual hallucinations, delusions, and hearing voices. Other symptoms include lack of interest in life, lack of emotional experience, problems concentrating, and lack of interest in other people, which are similar to depression. It is a condition that is highly stigmatised by the media as it is often misunderstood. Talk to one of our highly experienced therapists or psychiatrists if you have been diagnosed with this condition, have a relative who suffers with it, or are concerned you may be schizophrenic.


How a person feels about themselves, in terms of value and a sense of worth, is known as self-esteem. It is a vital part of our human experience. When people feel unloved, unseen, or unimportant, it dominates their behaviour and relationships. Seeing a therapist can help people build up self-esteem.


Self-harm refers to ways in which people hurt themselves to seek relief from emotional pain, anger, or frustration. In therapy, it is possible to talk openly about the experience of self-harm in a non-judgmental environment.


Sexual identity and orientation can be associated with mental as well as physical wellbeing. Your sexuality is integral to your identity, and not being able to express this can be harmful to someone’s sense of self-worth and mental health. Despite cultural norms shifting towards a more tolerant space for different sexual identities and orientations, the impact on mental health in relation to sexuality can be significant. Exploring this in a non-judgmental space such as therapy can behelpful.


Physical symptoms such as clenched jaw, headaches, shortness of breath, feeling hyper-alert, and poor quality sleep can all be signs of stress. Stress is a response to a real or perceived threat; the body’s automatic reaction to prepare for 'fight' or ‘flight.’ When stress becomes too much, it impacts one’s ability to function and can become self-perpetuating. Talking through issues can help manage these responses.

Suicidal thoughts

When life gets very hard, painful emotions can feel prolonged and overwhelming. A person may fantasise or talk about wishing it was over, or perhaps that they didn't wake up. This does not necessarily mean they intend to end their life, but it should be taken seriously.


Experiencing a distressing event, or series of distressing events over a period of time, can create panic, a sense of isolation, and feelings of helplessness. Flashbacks of feelings and unpleasant physical sensations may be triggered by apparently unconnected events long after the event or series of events ends.